Monday, January 8, 2018

Reachable Goals to Set for the New Year

Reachable Goals to Set for the New Year

OKEMOS, Mich., –– Not quite sure what resolutions to set for yourself this year? Don't worry, it's not a requirement. Instead, focus on setting goals that are easy to achieve and will improve the quality of your life in several different areas. Whether it be fitness and health or finances and relationships, there are probably a number of objectives you've been looking to accomplish. Jumpstart your list of 'to-dos' with a number of reachable goals that you can set for the new year. Big or small, these ideas will get you on the right track for a prosperous and happy year!


Reachable Goals to Set for the New Year
  1. Stop doing the workout you hate. There are plenty of ways to burn calories besides running. Try a different high-calorie workout like dance cardio, indoor cycling, or even yoga.
  2. Although cardio is an essential part of any workout routine, it's also good to give your body a rest. Your knees take a lot of impact from cardio exercises. Reduce all that pressure by regularly adding a low-impact workout, such as walking or strength training.
  3. Start weightlifting. As much as you may think that cardio is the biggest way to drop pounds, it's not. Weightlifting will help you boost your metabolism and build strength while burning fat.
  4. Ditch the scale. The number on the scale doesn't mean anything. Muscle weighs more than fat; so if you start weightlifting, your weight may actually increase.
  5. Foam roll your muscles. Giving your muscles proper care is critical for them to heal faster. Foam rolling is a great way to rub out your body and give it the massage it needs. Always remember, your recovery is just as important as your workout.


Reachable Goals to Set for the New Year
  1. Learn to make a new healthy recipe. Once you find something you love, take advantage of the opportunity to create your new favorite hearty dish. It may take a little trial and error, but it'll be worth it.
  2. Ditch the foods you hate. Force feeding yourself foods that you don't have a taste for just because they're "healthy" will make your diet plans backfire. Find healthy foods that you love instead of eating the ones you hate.
  3. Don't skip out on breakfast. As they say, "it's the most important meal of the day". It's easy to make breakfast healthy and packed full of protein.
  4. Create a bedtime routine. By starting a nightly ritual, you'll feel more at ease and will be able to snooze more! After all, sleep is very important for our bodies.
  5. Stop beating yourself up. Not physically, but mentally. Give yourself more compliments and make this year more about you. If you're happier with yourself, you'll be happier in many other facets of life.


Reachable Goals to Set for the New Year
  1. Get a handle on your credit score. Begin taking steps to improve your credit and get it back on track. You can start by paying off debt and keeping low balances on your credit cards.
  2. Get your taxes done early this year. Don't wait until the last minute to get all of your documents together. You'll avoid the stress and hassle of scrounging everything together and will feel a lot better once you're all done!
  3. Set a budget for yourself. This allows you to exercise discipline when it comes to how much money you're spending on needs and wants. By setting a budget, you'll reach your financial goals much faster.
  4. Start saving. Set a goal of how much you want to save and start working towards it. Make it attainable and as large as you can manage. Set a certain amount of money aside out of each paycheck to start saving towards your goal.
  5. Pay off your debt. All the more reason you need to set a savings goal for yourself. Paying off bad debt should be a priority so that you're debt-free and stress-free.


  1. Commit to small and measurable changes. Fixing the little things makes the biggest impact. Slowly but surely, you'll feel more empowered about tackling major issues and will lead a happier life.
  2. Ditch the cell phones. Focus on spending more quality time with your partner. Our society is too dependent on technology, making it hard to truly spend time with that special someone. Put the phones down and try enjoying each other's company. It will make a huge difference!
  3. Treat each other as kindly as you treat your friends. Often times, couples treat friends and family with more respect and kindness. Instead of getting too comfortable with your partner, give them your upmost attention and kindness, as you would anyone else.
  4. Upgrade your date night. Start trying new things together. This could even be as simple as trying a new restaurant together or going to a new vacation destination. While you may feel apt to having date night at the places you feel comfortable, it can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction.
  5. Motivate each other. Whether it's working on fitness, cooking a new meal, learning a new skill, or even picking up a new hobby, motivating your significant other will keep you both happy and ready to take on the next adventure.

Getting the motivation to make changes in your life may be difficult, but with a little guidance, you'll be on the path to achieving your goals for 2018 in no time. Start small and work your way up from there. Tackling the little things can make it easier to tackle something big you've been wanting to accomplish. Our list of reachable goals to set for the new year will help you get on the right track for a year full of success and happiness! Another great way to start the year off is by having routine maintenance performed on your vehicle. Keeping up on your car's major components will ensure it continues to run great down the road. While you schedule an appointment online, be sure to check out our new vehicle inventory. We keep our stock up to date so that you know what's available at all times!

Hank Graff Chevrolet Okemos is committed to providing you with top-notch service and convenience close to home. Let our friendly team of Chevy professionals at Hank Graff Okemos help you find your dream car – simply call us at (517) 349-8300 or visit our showroom, located at 1748 W. Grand River Okemos, MI 48864. We’re just minutes from Lansing!

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